A new era of democracy.

Or “when is a president not a president?”

As previously mentioned, on Tuesday 15 March, I and a large number of my fellow Yangon/Myanmar residents, watched with a considerable level on interest some actually pretty boring proceedings in the Pyithu Hluttaw (Myanmar House of Reps).

First there was all the MPs actually voting. Then there was the counting of all the votes to make sure it tallied with the number of MPs in the Hluttaw that day (there were a few absences). Then the votes were split up into the appropriate Democracy BasketsTM, one for each of the three candidates. Then, candidate by candidate, the ballots were tipped into a fourth basket, then counted back into the candidate’s basket. And in this very Myanmar way was U Htin Kyaw elected president. With U Myint Swe (military nominee) first vice president and U Henry Van Thio (Chin MP, NLD) second vice president.

MPs walking back after voting. I foolish didn't capture any of the actual voting. But I was simultaneously streaming Australian question time, so there's something to be said for technology.
MPs walking back after voting. I foolishly didn’t capture any of the actual voting. But I was simultaneously streaming Australian question time, so there’s something to be said for technology.
Counting the ballots to make sure no extras slipped in.
Counting the ballots to make sure no extras slipped in.
Splitting the ballots between the candidates. It was a labour intensive process - the first guy would pick it up, read the name out loud, then hand to the second, who would hand it to the third and so on until it got to where it needed to be.
Splitting the ballots between the candidates. It was a labour intensive process – the first guy would pick it up, read the name out loud, then hand to the second, who would hand it to the third and so on until it got to where it needed to be.
Close up.
Close up. Remember this is still all a precursor to counting the votes.
Close up of the actual vote counting - this is U Htin Kyaw's Democracy Basket.
Close up of the actual vote counting – this is U Htin Kyaw’s Democracy Basket.

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