Tropical island paradises are quite nice.

First things first, for those of you confused by the “New year, new design” post, the design only lasted for a few hours before I got annoyed and changed it back. 

And now on to more interesting things.

On Christmas Eve a coterie of Perrys arrived in Myanmar. Then on Christmas Day we began our trip to Nyaung Oo Phee, an island in the Myeik archipelago (or Mergui archipelago, like almost everything in Myanmar it has two names).

Continue reading Tropical island paradises are quite nice.

Happy Independence Day!

This is our second Independence Day in Yangon, our first being in 2013. In honour of that, we can revisit the two posts from that trip. We look so young, and I don’t know what was going on with my inability to write proper dates.

Also in honour of Independence Day, I thoroughly recommend this review from the LA Review of Books. Not only is the review itself wonderful writing, it is full of interesting information on the current and historical situation in Myanmar.

Soon there will be updates of our exciting Christmas tropical island adventure (and possibly other updates too, sorry Sean), in the meantime, please enjoy this whistle-wetting photo:

Christmas day sunset from the southernmost tip of Myanmar.