A random assortment of photos.

I take a lot of photos, and then I forget about them, and then eventually I realise I should share some of them with people. You are people, consider these shared.


Hitler shoots a tiger. That old Myanmar folk tale.
Hitler shoots a tiger. That old Myanmar folk tale.
Soft openings are a big thing here. As are strangely worded apologies for inconvenience.
Soft openings are a big thing here. As are strangely worded apologies for inconvenience.
This one's mainly for Katherine and Reuben - your car is called a Demio here (well, in Japan, where most cars here are imported from). Esther's elbow is just a bonus.
This one’s mainly for Katherine and Reuben – your car is called a Demio here (well, in Japan, where most cars here are imported from).
Esther’s elbow is just a bonus.
I have no idea what this old bus was doing, but it's pretty rad (there are lots around this old, but very few in this good condition).
I have no idea what this old bus was doing, but it’s pretty rad (there are lots around this old, but very few in this good condition).
Yangon Circular Railway https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yangon_Circular_Railway
Yangon Circular Railway
Just your friendly neighbourhood mosque.
Just your friendly neighbourhood mosque.
Another in my "graffiti I don't understand" series.
Another in my “graffiti I don’t understand” series.
A friend once told me my photos displayed an interest in textures and juxtaposition. That's probably a fair assessment.
A friend once told me my photos displayed an interest in textures and juxtaposition.
That’s probably a fair assessment.
The "never lie a gas bottle on its side" rule is more of a guideline here.
The “never lie a gas bottle on its side” rule is more of a guideline here.
This worker is parked in the middle of a busy intersection, working on a light I'm pretty sure is still connected to power, under powerlines which definitely are.
This worker is parked in the middle of a busy intersection, working on a light I’m pretty sure is still connected to power, under powerlines which definitely are.
I went for a walk around our apartment complex the other day and discovered it has a putting green. Because of course it does.
I went for a walk around our apartment complex the other day and discovered it has a putting green. Because of course it does.
Spicy green mango salad is my new favourite thing.
Spicy green mango salad is my new favourite thing.
All your standard flavours of wine cooler are available - white, red, black.
All your standard flavours of wine cooler are available – white, red, black.
It's possible my Burmese translation is mostly wrong, but I think these geckos are called "house hangers-on" here.
It’s possible my Burmese translation is mostly wrong, but I think these geckos are called “house hangers-on” here.
This pool is about 14m from our front door.
This pool is about 14m from our front door.
Just before the goose tried to attack Esther. Turns out "I'm just going to get closer to get a better photo" is not a winning strategy.
Just before the goose tried to attack Esther.
Turns out “I’m just going to get closer to get a better photo” is not a winning strategy.
Drinking cocktails above Yangon.
Drinking cocktails above Yangon.
Not sure if you can really see, but this tree is growing on the side of the lightpole, 10m in the air.
Not sure if you can really see, but this tree is growing on the side of the lightpole, 10m in the air.
This kid seems pretty happy about his gift of an entertaining and enjoyable educational experience.
This kid seems pretty happy about his gift of an entertaining and enjoyable educational experience.
I finally found some footpath in the original, more colourful form.
I finally found some footpath in the original, more colourful form.
All rice should be sold by the precise number of (perfect) grains.
All rice should be sold by the precise number of (perfect) grains.
I got irrationally excited by the fact someone had written "wash me" in Burmese (I'm assuming - my reading skills don't stretch anywhere near this far) in the dirt on this car.
I got irrationally excited by the fact someone had written “wash me” in Burmese (I’m assuming – my reading skills don’t stretch anywhere near this far) in the dirt on this car.
My favourite pharmacy.
My favourite pharmacy.
And unplugged.
And unplugged.
Yes, I think that is an escalator they are installing on this pedestrian overpass.
Yes, I think that is an escalator they are installing on this pedestrian overpass.
It was difficult to buy non-garish pots for our plants.
It was difficult to buy non-garish pots for our plants.
I'm told this cat claiming to be a dog is not a Magritte homage, but rather some kind of anti-Tatmadaw thing. I don't get it either.
I’m told this cat claiming to be a dog is not a Magritte homage, but rather some kind of anti-Tatmadaw thing.
I don’t get it either.

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