Rainy season adventures.

What’s that? No posts for months then two in as many days?! Fear not gentle reader, this marks a return to the semi-irregular updating of yore.*

Rainy season has been mostly quite fun. Sure, there’s been whole days when I haven’t really been able to leave the house, and yesterday I was genuinely scared our car was going to suck water into the air intake and completely ruin the engine, but when you’re inside and dry it’s fun to watch the storms, and when you’re caught outside and soaking wet, you’re still warm. And everyone tells us this wasn’t a particularly bad rainy season, which I suppose is exactly what you want for your first one.

Which is not to say it’s all been beer and skittles, I have — on several occasions — become exceeding wet, traffic is worse (if that’s possible), the ceiling of the embassy even collapsed at one point.

Obviously with rainy season comes clouds, particularly impressive clouds.
Obviously with rainy season comes clouds, particularly impressive clouds.

Continue reading Rainy season adventures.


Thingyan approached, and so we left.

Somewhat ironically, we were leaving Yangon to avoid the water festival, only to get rained on everyday in Hong Kong. But rain was a nice change from the 38 degree days we had been getting used to (I realise I will grow to hate the rain come wet season).

And now our all-too-short holiday is all-too-over. We’re sitting in Don Muang Airport waiting for our flight home and trying to avoid rats.

Holiday photos to come once we’re back home and I’ve had a chance to look through them.