Cinchonism, or “avoiding poisoning in home tonic-making”.

This is mainly a rehash of a recent facebook post, so everyone who has seen it there should feel free to ignore it, the photos are the same (and the jokes probably will be too).

During The Great Tonic Shortage of 2013 it was known for Yangonites to arrive at a party, plonk their gin down on the shared table, but keep their cans of tonic secreted on their person, doling them out under close supervision to friends and loved ones.

It hasn’t been that bad since we’ve been here, but the inconsistent supply chain means that anything at any time can just disappear, and the local tonic is universally regarded as pretty rubbish. For all these reasons, but mainly because I like making/overly complicating things, I decided to make my own tonic syrup. Continue reading Cinchonism, or “avoiding poisoning in home tonic-making”.